Ever have a project that you wanted to do…

…but you weren’t sure if it’d sell?  I got one of those, for the Day After Ragnarok RPG: I have this idea, and it fascinates me.  And I think that it’d work as a impetus for campaigns (heh).  But I don’t know if I can sell it.  I’d like to decide that, quick, because the campaign idea keeps making me take notes for it when I could be working on stuff that people might buy.

Yeah, yeah, that might be diagnostic, but then there hasn’t been any new Day After Ragnarok stuff lately anyway.  Which is a shame.  It’s real easy to create material for that game world.

Moe Lane

PS: I’m not mentioning the idea for a reason.  Trying to keep it as undeveloped in public as possible.

6 thoughts on “Ever have a project that you wanted to do…”

  1. Ah. Your muse is one of *those*.
    John Ringo allegedly wrote the entire ‘Kildar’ universe because his muse wouldn’t shut the [blank] up about it…
    I suggest writing enough that your muse is satisfied .. whether you make bucks off it or not, at least you’ll write stuff that *will* make bucks.
    I will ask the obvious question .. if it doesn’t work as a game setting, does it work as a novel seed for next year?

      1. Then .. write it up as the muse leads, and seek the necessary permission to run it at conventions.
        As the kids age, being “the author who runs games at conventions” or “the GM at the convention who runs awesome games and also is an author or something” gets you an excuse to travel further afield ..

  2. YES.
    Although in my case, it’s a setting that is much too unfair to inflict on PCs. And it’s fundamentally unsuited for any sort of long-form fiction.
    I think I’ll eventually accumulate a series of interconnected short stories in the setting. My plan (such as it is) is to write a couple of them as a palette cleanser between heavier lifts.

  3. For me, that’s every project. Then again, I never try to sell anything.

    You should create your own, original RPG. Then you would have all the marbles and people would have to get permission from you instead of the other way around.

  4. Oh yes. I’m working on it right now. Sort of.
    Maybe I could turn it into an RPG, come to think of it…

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