Goodness gracious: Cyberpunk 2077’s map & game was generated by hand?

That’s the claim: “The massive open world in Cyberpunk 2077 will be entirely handcrafted, according to CD Projekt RED. As such, no aspect of the title will feature procedurally generated elements. This lines up with the studio’s approach to developing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.”  For those wondering: this means that they didn’t use any kind of algorithm to automate the game world (presumably they’re not also creating randomized loot drops, either).  Put another way: everything that you’ll see in the game apparently was put there specifically by a human.

Which is a bit… thorough… of CD Projekt Red.

One thought on “Goodness gracious: Cyberpunk 2077’s map & game was generated by hand?”

  1. Huge hopes for this one not based on the size of it’s game world, but the strength of Witcher 3.

    Holding off updating my computer until this one comes out. *knocks on wood*

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