Tweet of the Day, I Admit That I Don’t Know Why Syfy Didn’t Do This Before, Either edition.

That they ask that question of themselves is why I’m putting it up. I have to respect at least a small amount of self-awareness in this regard. Because it’s a legitimate question.

4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Admit That I Don’t Know Why Syfy Didn’t Do This Before, Either edition.”

  1. One of the better host segments in the rebooted MST3k involved the host creating a long list of SyFy Channel mashup movies, such as Wooly Clammoth, Ponyshark Meets The Tortoistito, Rikki Tikki Tarantula or Night of the Were-Dads. Some of the better ones got turned into actual MST3k merchandise:

  2. Too bad she’s dead, because I could totally see The Cranberries having a cameo.
    (But with Deep Fakes, still possible! And appropriate for the subject matter! Sci-Fi, MAKE THIS HAPPEN!)

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