THE KAIJU SCORE, coming soon to print and screen.

So apparently some people can get movie deals before they even finish the damn book.

Sony Pictures has picked up the rights to AfterShock Comics’ upcoming comic series The Kaiju Score, and they will be developing it as a feature film.

Must be nic…

This comic actually has a pretty cool and wild concept as it follows a group of criminals who attempt to pull off the perfect heist during a giant monster attack on the city.



Oh, pardon my regrettable and mildly childish fit of pique. Please, by all means: do go on.

2 thoughts on “THE KAIJU SCORE, coming soon to print and screen.”

  1. Imagine how insulting it would be for a prominent politician to get paid millions for a *third* autobiography.
    And then blow off writing the danged book.
    (This is close to the line

    1. And the bloody thing posted from large fingers and a small screen.
      This is only close to the line because such an offer would never even be offered for any purpose than promoting an avatar of an idealogy.

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