Short version: there’ll be no living with Sonny Bunch, now.
Slightly longer version: it’s good. I liked the original JUSTICE LEAGUE, when it came out; but Snyder’s version is so much better there’s no real comparison possible. Whedon defecated the bed when they brought him in to ‘finish’ the movie. Whoever green-lighted that decision should… I dunno. ‘Endow a church or other religious structure of his or her preference’ sounds about right: that’s a traditional penance for rich idiots who have made bad life choices.
Moe Lane
PS: Also note this.
‘Endow a church or other religious structure of his or her preference’
Spending money on a film with a poorly chosen director has little long-term consequences.
But a person with a track record of poor decision making like that is no more likely to make a good choice when endowing a religious organization, and poor decisions like THAT lead to schisms, heresies, cults and worse.