Tweet of the Day, This Is So Inside Blog-Ball Funny It Makes My Sides Hurt edition.

I cannot really explain the 4chan/LaBeouf flag thing. It was kind of like… kind of like… kind of like the 4chan/LaBeouf flag thing. It defies explanation, and barely tolerates analysis. But agree with it or not (on reflection, it was far too stalker-y for my personal taste), the Tweet below is comedy gold. Gold, Jerry! GOLD!

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This Is So Inside Blog-Ball Funny It Makes My Sides Hurt edition.”

  1. ‘He will not divide us.’ Can’t blame Trump for this one, Shia. You were not exactly ‘stable’ at the time anyway in my inexpert opinion.

  2. Wait … Was that when people
    Would track a flag in a live webcast in order to troll someone? I vaguely remember rooting for injuries in that war.

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