Tweet of the Day, …Was Whoever Wrote This Married? edition.

Because my answer key ain’t his or hers.

Just one example: “Why don’t you go back and eat hers then!” is the right damn answer. Also, any idiot who lets his wife know that an ‘old flame is back in town’ (as opposed to ‘Hey, remember X from college? Yeah, she’s gonna be in the area next week’) absolutely deserves the negative reinforcement coming his way. Seriously: see that look on his face? Why is it there? What on earth was this guy’s victory condition?

Youth is wasted on the young, sometimes.

Moe Lane

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, …Was Whoever Wrote This Married? edition.”

  1. The future may be the undiscovered country, but the past .. man, what was wrong with those primitives?

  2. “Negative Reinforcement”

    I like that. A brief, yet elegant way of describing a series of intense explosions, often featuring both high temperatures and flying debris.

    Best viewed from a distance, obviously, or you might be adding Darwinian to that list of features.

  3. I’m going to guess… was married, not a particularly happy marriage, had no sympathy or understanding of his wife and thought that the ideal answer was that she should ignore all of her own needs and do what he wanted. After all, ignoring all her needs and doing what he wanted was easy. He did it all the time!

    Importantly, this was purely procedural. “This happens, you do that.” No trying to understand what might be going on underneath, and no nuance whatsoever.

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