“I wish they’d make something DIFFERENT.” :monkey paw’s finger curls:

Well. It’s certainly different.


Via @SonnyBunch, who also wonders how the hell can you even advertise a movie like this without riots on social media. Note that Marielle Heller directed It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, which picked up one Oscar nomination (Best Actor), and Can You Ever Forgive Me?, which picked up three. So, this project is, like, serious. Despite the fact that it sounds like the sort of over-the-top parody film that you’d have a fictional misogynist director make in a novel…

8 thoughts on ““I wish they’d make something DIFFERENT.” :monkey paw’s finger curls:”

  1. Neo- werewolf psycho horror?

    Mental illness Oscar bait?

    Cryptozoology thriller?

    There many ways it could go, although I prefer 1 & 3

  2. At least she’s cute.
    But if she grows more breasts than two, I’m fleeing in terror.

    Since Hollywood is out of ideas, I’m putting my marker on a species-swapped version of Val Lawton’s Cat People..
    Which won’t be nearly as good as the original.

  3. My money is on “they started making a movie about a misogynistic director and decided the show within show was more fun than the original show.”

    1. I have always sort of suspected that was kind of the logic for how Shadow of the Vampire got made, actually.

      1. My favorite scene in that movie was when the vampire grabbed a bat out of the air and sucked it dry… and the first reaction from that Weimar film guy was to say, “Schrek. The German theater NEEDS you.” With the subtext of “Wait, you think THAT’S screwed up? Dude, I was at the FRONT.”

  4. It just occurred to me that that bensdad00 missed one other option:

    A shaggy dog remake.

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