Come, I will conceal nothing from you: the week I’ve had, I’ve been expecting this printing on canvas by Spoonflower to get screwed up, somehow. The proportions would be off, or it’d actually only be three inches long, or they’d only do one corner of the picture. But the printing arrived today, and it looks exactly like what I wanted to get:
This will be perfect as something to hang behind me, once we sew on some flaps and trim it enough that the bar codes on the side go away*. Reasonably priced, too. I am considering doing the same for FROZEN DREAMS and TINSEL RAIN, or possibly the RPG cover. Kudos to Spoonflower for getting the job done right without any hassle.
Moe Lane
*Even that doesn’t bug me. There’s plenty of space. Heck, we might even just fold them over and sew them to make a seam.
always nice when a contractor delivers.
BTW, you need to put up a creator page on tvtropes. (As well as individual pages for your books.)
You’re getting credit for In Nomine fandom stuff, but not anything that’ll actually put money in your pocket.
I don’t know about anyone else, but the site is my go-to resource if I’m interested in a book, but not yet convinced.
Me: I’m on TV Tropes?
My wife: You’re on TV Tropes?
Youngest: Why are you on TV?
So… do they just let ANYBODY put up their own work on TV Tropes?
…Huh. Apparently they do. I should work on this, but not tonight. I need to read up on how to do it properly first. Thanks!
You mean you actually managed to pull yourself away from there enough to post here? It’s a massive attention sink.
We may never hear from Moe again …..