Summaries! And paperwork!

Today was a productive day, for given values of productive. I’ve been doing a bunch of paperwork for the SCA event I’m running next month, which is fun in that special not-really way, and I actually managed to sit down and block out how three stories are supposed to go. I am ashamed to admit that I was being too seat of my pants.

Soon? Soon, I do TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 surveys! Backerkit ones, to be specific. I’m having them check my setup now, just to make sure that I’ve done everything right. Expect to see surveys, starting next week.

…I almost typed ‘Yay!’ there. Sorry: it’s been a long week.

One thought on “Summaries! And paperwork!”

  1. I think you are entitled to a “Yay!” for such productivity. But then I am a fan.

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