5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, They Finally Broke Me edition.”

  1. Gandalf is obviously a corruption of the western words for Grey-bearded-meddler and the dwarvish for hobo. Then the hobbits mashed them together over second breakfast before smoking a prodigious amounts of pipeweed.

    1. Okay, so I just looked it up and it means “staffed elf” or “elf with a wand”. I still think “dirty, meddling hobo” needs to be one of his appelations.
      Which all says that the people running RoP are complete morons.

      1. It is, kind of. His habit of showing up just before the manure hits the oscillating unit has gotten him named ‘Stormcrow’ among Men, and then there’s bit from Wormtongue:

        Such is the hour in which this wanderer chooses to return. Why indeed should we welcome you, Master Stormcrow? La´thspell I name you, Ill-news; and ill news is an ill guest they say.”

        1. Many names and many turns of the world have the istari.

          Elves … no.

          The grey becoming the white was, as with much of the istari lore, a great and terrible thing.


          p.s. don’t mention the balrog, it will just confuse them

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