GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be coming to B&N. In paperback.

I’m keeping the e-version of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND off B&N because, honestly, I cannot give up the KU sales without better assurances that it’d be worth it. Amazon dominates the e-book market. This is a thing that is known.

I’m also in the process of seeing if I can get a good dust jacket out of this. I… do not know. Getting the paperback book prepped for B&N as it was was a right royal pain. But I’m also getting a smaller royalty from B&N than I will for Amazon*, so it might make a difference to have a hardcover with a dust jacket. We shall see!

Moe Lane


*Why do it, then? Because some buyers don’t like Amazon. Like, a lot.

2 thoughts on “GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be coming to B&N. In paperback.”

  1. Does this mean they make make an appearance in their brick and mortar stores? I know, Bezos is strangling all that, but it would be cool to see it on shelves.

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