Tweet of the Day, I Suspect Nobody Ever Explained This One edition.

I’m with @ZODIAC_MF that there are more immediately and genuinely traumatizing things out there, but the scenario presented in the video below made me laugh out loud. So there’s that.

3 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Suspect Nobody Ever Explained This One edition.”

  1. Those Michael Bay Transformers movies sure were a series of things that existed and had a certain quality to them.
    Not a good quality. But a quality.

  2. Socially acceptable rule of thumb for minimum relationship age is half your age, plus seven.
    So a 20 year old can date a 17 year old, but just barely.
    The glitch is that the government places a bright line of not adult/adult at eighteen, where you magically transform from child to adult on a given midnight, and that lots of people reflexively bow to that authority.
    Which makes the issue one of “I have a valid objection to my child’s choices”, when he legally won’t in under a year. (Despite the fact that 18 year olds continue to make lots of stupid choices,)

    You could legitimately make a completing movie on the inherent conflicts and trade-offs.
    But it wouldn’t be a Michael Bay movie.
    And this inclusion is gratuitous.
    Showing characterization through bickering is generally lazy and stupid. (At a guess, this was inspired by the beginning of “Armageddon”, which did a great job of establishing characters with a similar setup. Without understanding why it worked.)

    1. ‘Gratuitous’ is the right word. My wife’s first response to all of this was, “Can a twenty year old even *be* a bartender?” Which apparently he can in Texas, but not really where we live, or other places.

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