Reverse the Vote! is a program set up to specifically target 24 Democrats who voted for health care rationing, and against their constituents’ desires, last week. The list is entertaining:
Arcuri | NY | 24 |
Bean | IL | 8 |
Berry | AR | 1 |
Bishop | NY | 1 |
Carnahan | MO | 3 |
Connolly | VA | 11 |
Dahlkemper | PA | 3 |
Donnelly | IN | 2 |
Driehaus | OH | 1 |
Ellsworth | IN | 8 |
Foster | IL | 14 |
Giffords | AZ | 8 |
Kilroy | OH | 15 |
Kanjorski | PA | 11 |
Hall | NY | 19 |
Hill | IN | 9 |
Owens | NY | 23 |
Salazar | CO | 3 |
Schrader | OR | 5 |
Shea-Porter | NH | 1 |
Snyder | AR | 2 |
Space | OH | 18 |
Titus | NV | 3 |
Kagen | WI | 8 |
…it’s not even close to a comprehensive list of vulnerable Democrats in the House next year, but it’s good for a start. Please note that all donations go to the Victory Committees of the individual districts, which means that they will all go towards the eventual winners of the GOP primaries next year. In other words, contributing to this fund does not give money to the NRCC for it to spend, and this money cannot be used to promote one candidate or another in the GOP primary. To put it more simply: this is strictly throw-the-Democratic-bums-out money. That’s why I contributed, and frankly? So should you.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
I am a California resident. I have written to Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer & Henry Waxman to express my dismay at the potential gov’t takeover of our national health care.