Word on the Tweet was wrong: 10% unemployment.

Went down .2% instead of up .2%.  My sarcastic reaction to the folks responsible for this amazing long-term trend in the American economic situation* remains unchanged.

*The below is the good news.

There was little change in wholesale and retail trade employment in November.
Within retail trade, department stores added 8,000 jobs over the month.

The number of jobs in transportation and warehousing, financial activities,
and leisure and hospitality showed little change over the month.

Employment in professional and business services rose by 86,000 in November.
Temporary help services accounted for the majority of the increase, adding
52,000 jobs. Since July, temporary help services employment has risen by

Health care employment continued to rise in November (21,000), with not-
able gains in home health care services (7,000) and hospitals (7,000). The
health care industry has added 613,000 jobs since the recession began in
December 2007.

Feeling good yet?

2 thoughts on “Word on the Tweet was wrong: 10% unemployment.”

  1. It has been apparent that unemployment increases were slowing down, which is good news for the American worker that in spite of the crippling stupidity of Obama’s management and crazed ideological stance, that the resilient American economy can still grow.

    Just as I was correct when in a previous month I predicted an increase in unemployment AFTER it steadied for a two month period, I also predict the following.

    Unemployment increases will slow down eventually (despite Obama) but there will a hiccup following Christmas and big increases for at least two months. Not necessarily in January but in February and for the following reasons:

    1) There has been a strong call by retailers and ancillary companies for temporary sales staff for the Christmas Season and as I have seen in a number of third world countries persons who would ordinarily not take such jobs will do so for Christmas particularly in such an economic climate. You would have to add the temporary help services and retail job increases to come up with that figure (60,000). These persons are going to be let go in January as seasonal sales are going to be flat. It is impossible for 4-5% more of the work force to be unemployed (from last year) with their unemployment insurance running out and those employed running scared – for there to be an increase in retail sales above 2%. Additionally these sales are going to come from massive discounting which is going to eat into the bottom line of all businesses and they will be dumping staff as fast as they can in January to compensate for the loss of margin and we do not even know if that means ADDITIONALL cuts beside the temporarily hires. I have a friend visiting from Italy and have assured her that there is no need to rush to buy anything now as the discounts will become deeper before and after Christmas.
    2) The liberal Obama shills in the main stream media like the New York Times, Time and Newsweek magazines and the television networks are going to help along the collapse because from today they have gleefully begun and will continue for the next three weeks to tout the decrease of unemployment from 10.2% to 10% as the work of the Great Snake Oil Salesman, Obama. This WILL result in large numbers of those who have GIVEN UP ON LOOKING FOR WORK to now register as work seekers during December and January and therefore technically swelling the ranks of the unemployed particularly for February and March and therefore increasing the unemployment figures. This is the unfortunate because this will cause two problems. The first is the severe disappointment to the American job seeker as he/she realizes this is a typical Obama liberal political/media scam and the second is that it risks the possibility of a double dip recession when the unemployment figures go up and scare the crap out of everyone.

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