I would whale upon this Matt Bai column, except that at the end it’d just boil down to two thoughts:
- Only a graduate of Tufts and Columbia Universities could even seriously entertain the notion that a graduate of Columbia and Harvard Universities would ever be accurately described as being a ‘populist’;
- And only a progressive journalist would think that being compared to Woodrow Wilson was complimentary.
Via Hot Air Headlines.
Moe Lane
PS: Well, why not? This video still gets me hate mail, so I figure it still stings.
Crossposted to RedState.
The only thing missing from that is a picture of Noted Tax Cheat Geithner at the ‘when the tax man comes to your door’ line.
I wanted to date the thing by including Grayson; that way, when people watched it a year or two from now, they’d have to try to find out who the obscure one-term Congressman was.