#rsrh Sad news on Traficant*.

He will not be running for Congress in multiple OH districts.  A shame: I had a glorious post planned for it, too.

Ex-U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. filed nominating petitions today as an independent candidate for the 17th Congressional District on a platform of repealing the 16th Amendment.

After filing his petitions in the 17th district, Traficant said he was going to to the Columbiana County Board of Elections at about noon.

However, Traficant ended up not filing in the 6th, apparently he believed he could not run in both districts. However, an Ohio secretary of state spokesman said there was nothing in state law to prohibit Traficant for running for both seats in the same election.

(Italics mine) Now they tell us.  As to what effect that it has on OH-17… beats me; but people are going to report more on that particular race.  Jim Traficant is good copy, bless his heart.

Moe Lane


One thought on “#rsrh Sad news on Traficant*.”

  1. OH-17 is a D+12 district. So, what effect will Traficant’s running there have? Answer: Not much.

    (OTOH, he might have helped, or maybe hurt, the GOP take back OH-06…)

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