…of the Girl Genius universe – England being sunk (but not depopulated), North America being inaccessible, the odd ubiquity of mountaintops with which to put a Mad Science castle/deathtrap/lair, one might almost be tempted to find the Steampunk/Mad Science setting attractive… until you see webcomic entries like this.
It’s not that the Male Love Interest #1 is lying; he’s not. It’s not that MLI #2 is accusing MLI #1 of lying; he’s not. It’s not even that MLI #1 did bring back Heroine’s family from the grave as a romance gambit.
It’s that it’s a recognized romance gambit. One that’s been done, ah, to death…
Troublesome, to say the least. If Castle Wulfenbach never lands, then they obviously have the technology to fly the entire empire to the New World. If a spark can’t figure that out….