If you can read this, then I have successfully configured my iPad 2 to be able to use BlogPress. This will make life a bit easier, I hope. Not to mention help justify having the blessed thing in the first place.
[UPDATE]. OK, I can see where the fiddly bits will be, but this will work in an emergency.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Works just fine, Moe. (apparently, at least)
Suggestion/request: Could you configure BlogPress to time-stamp your posts? I’m constantly wondering how far behind I am…….
Suggestion number two, Mr. Lane: You need to get rid of the ‘- Posted using blogpress from my iPad’ thang.
Wait, Im having second thoughts about that…maybe keep it, just to get under the skin of the trolls who made it all possible.
qixlqatl: It’s not immediately obvious how to add time of post to the post; I’ll check with Neil.
A Z R : I’m going round and round myself on whether to keep that or not. It might serve as an implicit indication that This Is Breaking Stuff…
I’m jealous.
I’m with Dave.
LOL, fair enough Mister Lane.