…in the following manner to CAIR’s not-particularly-polite request that he disassociate himself from Pamela Geller and Brigitte Gabriel:
It’s because “Fuck you, you terrorist-defending sanctimonious assholes,” while an appropriate response, is probably not suitable for official House stationery.
As to why ‘NUTS!’ – something that confused ThinkProgress no end – well, Ann Althouse got the historical reference and the implications; so did Glenn Reynolds; and obviously, so did I. Have I mentioned yet this week that the Left needs to start reading history books that don’t have the word ‘People’s’ in the title? I think that I have.
For that matter, TP probably shouldn’t even be taking the time to push this issue, given that CAIR-friendly Hamas decided today to go invade Israel and murder some civilians again…
Moe Lane
PS: I got nothing against Muslims, and about three-quarters of the people most loudly banging the anti-Islam drum are cranks at best and frankly kind of disquieting at worst (to give just one example: Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs always struck me as the kind of guy that you don’t want to have access to the nuclear codes*). But CAIR likes to walk the fine line between advocacy and actual sedition.
PPS: I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like to have to moderate this particular Wikipedia entry…
PPPS: Yes, I know about the Perry/Aga Khan/Ismailis thing. I’ve been told about it often enough, usually by people who don’t have a damned clue about what the Ismailis (specifically, the Nizari) actually are. Hint: they’re the branch of Shia Islam that doesn’t blow shit up when they don’t like things.
*I dunno if the guy’s still an anti-Muslim freak, and I can’t say that I much care if he’s replaced that particular crazy with something more acceptably Left-wing, now that he doesn’t have to be frightened of the big scary Muslims anymore.
Oy. Even a knuckle dragger like me knew the reference. I guess it’s a good time to remind Think Progress of that old truism:
You’re supposed to read books not eat them.
Eat books? I thought they burned them.