(Via Hot Air Headlines) Apparently, all the real problems in New Mexico have been solved, because the Attorney General’s office is out there sniffing out the hidden pedophile conspiracy that’s currently using… Pedobear… as an identification symbol:
Cartoon “Pedobear” used for luring kids: kasa.com
If you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about, let me direct you to the site that both the New Mexico Attorney General’s office AND the KRQE television station should have looked at before running with this story: Know Your Meme: Pedobear.
In case the video doesn’t load… the very short version is that Pedobear is an infamous internet joke (specifically, a fake mascot for pedophiles) perpetrated by the equally-infamous website 4chan; and it’s probably the last thing that an actual pedophile would use to quietly look for other pedophiles. You see, anybody sporting a Pedobear sticker or picture is probably hoping beyond hope that somebody will think it’s for real and approach them as a fellow-pervert, because even a sarcastic hipster douchebag likes the idea of turning a child molester in to the cops. You’ll also note from the video above that this isn’t the first time that law enforcement has gotten burned on this; one wonders whether 4chan would score this ongoing inability to do basic research as being a win, or a loss. Probably both.
Still, I’m so glad that Attorney General Gary King doesn’t check this stuff out before he has his office make press releases. When is this guy up for re-election, again?
Moe Lane
PS: Hot Air’s comments section seems to have some people not getting the larger point, so let me explain. Child molestation is not funny. Law enforcement’s proven track record in consistently not getting the point about this Internet meme is a different story.
Attorneys General and prosecutors with higher political aspirations are more interested in press coverage than thought.
..or teh ones who forsee a tough ’12 reelection fight on the horizon.
…and 4chan wins again. Not via trying, but because people are stupid. As is the case with all their “victories.”
*double facepalm*