The following is a list of the insults, negative potrayals, and generally offensive rhetoric found in this NYT article by liberal Steve Almond calling for… more civility from liberals.
Sean Hannity represented the bane of American civic life: a blow-dried blowhard paid to vilify his enemies and incite his imbecilic fans… his bullying…an escalating right-wing fanaticism…conservative folly…all the mean, manipulative things those people say…He’s just a businessman who is paid to reduce complex cultural issues to ad hominem assaults…liberals, both on an institutional and a personal level, have chosen to treat for-profit propaganda as news…the most vile and nihilistic voices on the right…The demagogues of the world, after all, derive power solely from their ability to provoke reaction…the fulminations of Fox News and the rest of the right-wing hysterics…conservative scoundrels…some part of me truly enjoys resenting conservatives…the same helplessness and rage that animates the extreme right wing of this country…blame those figures who, in my view, embody the decadent ignorance of the age…conservative demagogues…The Tea Party — inflamed and partly financed by well-funded lobbying groups…moral atrocities of the Bush era…right-wing misanthropy…I’ve come to regard all conservatives as extremists, a mob of useful idiots plied by profiteers…sadists…the very real pathologies of the modern conservative movement. The rich and powerful have clearly found in the Republican Party a willing collaborator. They’ve spent billions peddling Americans a failed theology of deregulation and lower taxes that is designed to foster and protect obscene wealth, not to serve the vast majority of our citizens. Thanks to the Supreme Court, the coming election will mark an unprecedented infusion of corporate propaganda into the political bloodstream…the childish arguments of paid provocateurs…demagogues…manipulate their legions into endorsing cruel and self-defeating policies…echo chamber of extremism…catering to a few million angry commuters…Fox News would be a popular fringe network, not the reliable conduit by which paranoid hogwash infects our mainstream media…conservative wack jobs…the cynicism of the Republican Party…what those special interests want: a nation too distracted by wrath to follow the money…conservative wing nuts…
But was the most offensive sentence at all? “We have to seek out those on the right willing to engage in genuine dialogue and ignore the rest.”
Why in God’s name would I want to talk to you, Steve Almond? You are a bad person.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
And this is a guy who wants to build bridges to conservatives. Imagine what the rest are saying…
I believe it’s commonly referred to as Froma Harrop Syndrome.
Also referred to as “projection”
Oddly enough, he probably considered that civil
All he has to do is look in the mirror, and then he would see the type of person he wrote about. “…catering to a few million angry commuters”? No, he can’t even count, over 58 million did vote the McCain-Palin ticket in 08, and I expect there to be a significant flip of the GOP/DEM numbers Nov 2012.
I guess he wrote the article so his Lefty friends will give him congratulatory slaps on the back at the next cocktail party he attends.
sheesh – you missed the obvious comeback – “would be glad to have an intelligent conversation with the author, Once he gets some intelligence”.
One person at a time, one convert at a time, the facts are on our side and all they have is fear and loathing.
Well, remember, it’s not bigotry when they do it. He honestly believes what he wrote so he’s just “speaking truth to power”… whoever that power is.
Oh wait, that power is his people. So really, he’s just shouting in the echo chamber. He must REALLY like the strident sound of his feeble trumpeting.
Say, do you think the people shouting in the echo chamber can really tell who’s trumpet is who’s? I mean, they all do sound alike.