One question about the new Robocop movie?

…How in the name of God are they going to come up with a Detroit that’s worse than real life?  That city is at the point where it doesn’t need a ‘new direction’: it needs a zombie plan.

Trailer via Do-Gooder Press.

Moe Lane


6 thoughts on “One question about the new Robocop movie?”

  1. ONE question?

    Actually, it’s the same question I have for yese folks, and the ones remaking Total Recall, AND the ones that remade Conan, AND the ones talking about making Iron Fist & Power Man.

  2. I’m just not feeling a Robocop remake. The original is still set 8 years in the future – current Detroit notwithstanding.

  3. Robocop 1 & 2 were ok, the third one sucked. This remake better be good. I’m glad to see ED-209 (NSFW) is making an appearance, but how they are going to top its introduction from the original is beyond me.

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