He didn’t sound like he was going to Thursday…
And he’s certainly not sounding like it Friday…
…so I guess that we’ll see. In the meantime, the NRSC would like to help clarify matters for any Pennsylvanian Democrats out there.
Because they’re here to help.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
Support Joe Esetak!!
Do not give a democrat’s seat to a carpet bagger like Specter….he jumped from the democrats before……
A turncoat is not trustworthy…..support a real democrat…not a cheesy opportunist!!!
Sestak had better hold on to his hat himself. The only reason the Demo’s ran him was because of his military service.
Spector, like most of the phony baloney self stamped conservatives, is simply an opportunist seeking only power and money. Republicans need an internal navel study to find out why the conservative movement turned into a slush fund for whomever the Republicans chose. There is just something odorous about Spector’s latest foray into incomprehensible self interest.
I will be making a donation if Sestak gets in 🙂