10 thoughts on “So, yeah, the second Hobbit trailer.”

  1. Radagast the Brown. I always liked the gentleman I made up that I’m sure was one of Middle Earth’s wizards: Chauncey the Puce.

  2. Of the many things I look forward to in Heaven is to sit and listen to the stories that Tolkein has been writing up there.

  3. I’m sensing that I’m going to hate these as I hated the LotR film adaptation.
    I shall avert my eyes, lest I wax wroth.

  4. I liked the LotR films very much, but my son watches them over and over again. Now I will never be able to read the books again. My children have robbed me of my happiness!!

  5. I am a heretic. I like the books. I like the movies. I cannot wait for The Hobbit (all of them).

  6. But alas, part 1 of 3. Going to be a frustrating road from December 2012 until July 2014 to get though the series. Must have hired some George Lucas consultants on how to stretch a story.

  7. Huh. A three-part movie from The Hobbit. … And yet he cut Tom Bombadil from The Fellowship of the Ring and the Scouring of the Shire from The Return of the King

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