Quote used with malice aforethought.
Here’s a brief intelligence test.
Question: If you are a Senator who has spent the last week bashing lobbyists in a desperate attempt to look like a populist, would you or would you not attend an elitist DSCC retreat designed to put Democratic politicians and K Street checkbooks in the same room?
If the answer is “you would not attend,” congratulations: you’re smarter than Chris Dodd.
After distancing himself from lobbyists in campaign ads, Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) was on Martha’s Vineyard this weekend meeting with some of the most well known names on K Street.
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) hosted its annual retreat this weekend at the high-class getaway. Designed for candidates to meet with senators for campaign advice and policy guidance, several high-powered lobbyists also attend and network with lawmakers during the retreat.
Dodd’s attendance at the retreat follows a series of web videos his campaign released promoting his populist credentials and highlighting the frustration some lobbyists are feeling with the senator, including quotes from anonymous lobbyists in news reports.
Not that he has much choice: when MSNBC is admitting that you’re a Democrat and you have a polling problem, you needs lots and lots of money. The hits just keep coming with Chris Dodd…
Moe Lane
PS: Also possibly looking to be in on that lobbyist availability:
- Paul Hodes
- Robin Carnahan
- Charlie Melancon
New Hampshire, Missouri, and Louisiana voters, please note. Particularly if any of these three start talking about how wonderful fiscal conservatism is, the need for the little guy to be protected from the big money interests, or anything else that they may or may not actually believe in.
Crossposted to RedState.
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