I just wanted to share this. Background: I ordered a rather large and elaborate game called OGRE from Steve Jackson Games as part of a crowdfunding program known as Kickstarter. This particular Kickstarter was very popular: too popular, in fact. It was so popular that getting the game to print took an extra year. But now it’s being shipped! Almost smoothly:
Many people have asked, in many different ways, when we will finish shipping. I can’t answer that until the shipping process is debugged. If we have to throw more bodies at it, we will, but right now it looks like we just need to throw more brains. There will be regular updates.
Apparently there were a couple of minor bugs in the initial rollout, but Steve Jackson Games is on top of them, retains a healthy awareness of what the actual problems are, has its top management fully involved in the process, is maintain full communications links among all levels of the company, takes responsibility for errors, and will maintain full transparency about the situation. Because that’s how you stop small problems from becoming large ones.
Ah, the private sector.
Moe Lane
Steve Jackson Games is awesome. They handled a bogus raid by the FBI by making a new game out of it. Plus I met Steve Jackson himself at an @ party in the early 1990s (Chicago WorldCon, actually) and he was quite cool. (An @ party was a party thrown at conventions where anyone with an email address (hence the @) could attend. Obviously such a thing would not be so selective any more.)
Now we get to sit and wonder if our shipments were part of that mysterious first day
They’d previously said that they were going to try and stage it so that everyone would get theirs at about the same time.
So my best guess (given Austin’s location) is that the mysterious first day almost certainly revolves around New England, with possible intrusion by Washington and Oregon.
I hope Cyan doesn’t boggle their delivery, assuming the kickstarter is funded, of course.
Rand Miller did a reddit AMA yesterday: http://tinyurl.com/p7el8px
Huh. Look at that. 26 pounds of Ogre just arrived in my mailbox. Odd.