Like John Ekdahl, I sourly love titles like these:
Does the President Alone Have the Power to Heal the Economy?
…because they’re semantically equivalent to Man, but this Democrat that we’ve got running things pretty much sucks at [Insert topic here]. The rule is: When it’s a Republican, he’s failed the country; when it’s a Democrat, the country’s failed him. Honestly, after a while you almost forget that you’re translating as you go: sort of like the way that if you don’t see a disgraced politician’s party allegiance in the first ten paragraphs or so, you know that he’s a Democrat. It’s still obnoxious, but it loses some of its bite after the ten thousandth time, you know what I mean?
Via, again,
Haha. Here we go. Time for some “Is it just too hard to be President?” articles.
— John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) November 9, 2013
Moe Lane
Shall we call El Rushbo right, yet?
Does just getting the hell out of the way count?
You’ll know they’re getting serious when they drag out the idea of one six-year term for the President again.
I think I’ve seen that one already, actually.