8 thoughts on ““Norman & Saxon.””

    1. Of course. The entire album that that’s from is Kipling set to music. It is also, by the way, a heavily kick-ass album, for pretty much the same reason.

      Sorry: the conversation that this post tacitly referenced – the one where my wife recently ranted about Robin Hood and Ivanhoe – took place off-screen. 🙂

  1. Epic in respect to intensity, scale, or length?
    We know it was a major force (albeit diminishing over time) during the reigns of at least 8 English kings.
    As an aside, I’d love to hear a heavy metal group rip off Danegeld (or Cold Iron, or City of Brass…) The bass line nearly writes itself.

  2. The entire album is Kipling set to music.

    You had to tell me this.

    Now I *must* have this album. And I didn’t really need to buy anything else this month, you know?

    Thank God I don’t share your interest in gaming,or I wouldn’t be able to read your blog at all. And I do like me a bit of moderate snark in the mornings.

    1. In case you don’t know, the inimitable Leslie Fish has a lot of Kipling set to music; all of it that I’ve heard has been good or better (IMNSHO). There’s even a track of one of my favorite Kipling poems – The Old Issue) – on her most recent album Lock & Load, which is fabulous all around.

      N.B. I am not affiliated with Leslie in any way, other than being a fan of her work, and the FTC can (in the terms of my people) bite my shiny metal a**.

  3. And so the Normans of Viking heritage replaced the Germanic Anglo-Saxons as the rulers of England, making it the first British colony. But eventually Magna Carta, a pact solely addressing the rights of nobles, eventually trickled down to the peasants.

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