It looks interesting…
…but one problem: according to the YouTube description, this is supposed to be the future. Which is weird, because she’s got a modern passport. Possibly they just screwed it up. Or YouTube did.
It looks interesting…
…but one problem: according to the YouTube description, this is supposed to be the future. Which is weird, because she’s got a modern passport. Possibly they just screwed it up. Or YouTube did.
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Yay! Illegal and mind-altering drugs, make you super smart! /sarcasm
passport styles don’t change that quickly, so it would depend on how far into the future. Of course, you can also get a passport card now; which is what future passports will most likely be.
Yeah, but this one had an expiration date of 2015. 🙂
Ha! Nice spot there Moe.
Good catch, i did not look that closely. Youtube is the only place that lists this as a future movie. Imbb, Wiki, and stories on entertainment sites don’t have a date. I think its a Youtube mistake.
also, the ‘humans only use 10% of their brain’ thing is pretty thoroughly debunked
true, but nobody in hollywood reads. They tend to be behind on science and technology.
Superman used the “not on the periodic table” mistake, that always annoys me.
I just watched a superhero flick that had giant flying aircraft carriers, so I don’t feel that I can too strenuously complain about scientific inaccuracies. 🙂
It could be arguable that a giant flying aircraft carrier is technically feasible (might not be practical with current tech, but it isn’t impossible).
It comes down to materials and generating enough lift.
Superhero movie tech is essentially magic, especially in the Marvel cinematic universe (and especially when dealing Asgerdian stuff there). But near-future SF shouldn’t get that silly …
While the particular design they are using might not work, it still is arguably feasible for a flying aircraft carrier to exist.
It all boils down to generating enough lift to get the thing out of the water. I’m not saying it would be practical though, depending on the max altitude we’re saying this thing can reach it would have to deal with factors like the jet streams.
terry pratchett wrote that we’ll swallow a huge lie, but choke on a little fib.