I hope Nancy Pelosi stays House Minority Leader until the day she dies: “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., brushed off former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs’ prediction that Obamacare’s twice-delayed employer mandate will never take effect by suggesting he is being paid to talk down the law that he touted as it moved through Congress.”
…I mean, don’t get me wrong: I got no particular love or respect for Robert Gibbs. It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear that he’s a trained seal for whoever cuts the checks. But I imagine that a Venn diagram would show considerable overlap between Robert Gibbs’ Customers and People Who Give Money to Democrats: I find it odd that Nancy Pelosi apparently wants to make that area smaller. Odd, but highly amusing.
Via… somebody on Twitter, sorry.
Heck I hope the Left invests in a good taxidermist, She abandon her charge until complete top down socialism has been installed in this country ( which will be never)
Are you suggesting they stuff her and stick her at a podium so she can continue as minority leader, with all the respect she deserves in perpetuity?
Stuffed Suits – not just for men anymore.
When I was out there trying to drum up votes for Mitt Ronmey, someone asked me if I was getting paid for what I was doing. I was insulted because:
1) I should have been.
2) I do not sell-out my beliefs, just my time (see number one).
I am sure Gibbs is being paid for his time and not what he thinks.