Quote of the Day, It Really IS Getting That Bad For @BarackObama edition.

Glenn Reynolds notes that Barack Obama isn’t just losing the game; he’s losing the spread.

If he were a Republican, the press would be screaming for impeachment. And he’s acting badly enough that, even though he’s a black Democrat, they’re beginning to take some small notice.

Mind you, in 2015 the White House is going to look back at these days and feel a little bit of nostalgia.  It’s going to seem so idyllic in comparison…

3 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, It Really IS Getting That Bad For @BarackObama edition.”

  1. Once the pressure to win 2014 is off, the Dems in the press will, of course, move to win 2016 .. and that means *at best* shutting Obama in the attic for the duration.
    At worst, and I believe most likely, it means multiple Dems seeking the nomination running *against* Obama.
    Keep in mind, Hillary does *not* have it wrapped up, despite what she says, and at least some of the attacks on Hillary *require* attacks on Obama because SecState.

  2. If November turns into a curb stomping of the Senatorial Democrats I wonder how the MSM will play it. They won’t be able to absolve O’bama of all the blame but will they even try at that point. After all at that point his ability to move his agenda, whatever it is, will be effectively dead.

    1. How many people has he driven (or at leat casually ridden) the bus over? Now the bus is in a muddy ditch, and if he has to go under the wheels an an attempt for it to gain some traction… 😀 Karma’s a b!*@#, ain’t she?

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