Charlie Crist loses new spokesman.

The guy – Eric Conrad – was fresh off of mucking about with Obamacare enrollment efforts in Florida, which argues for a certain amount of applied despair and heightened sense of futility.  But he barely lasted a week as Crist’s spokesman, and nobody’s exactly sure why.  In my experience, that usually means that the reason is actually fairly epic.  I look forward to finding out what it is…



4 thoughts on “Charlie Crist loses new spokesman.”

  1. Honestly, the Florida Governor’s race bores me to tears. Charlie Crist has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning and I could care less about Rick Scott.

    1. Well, you can at least take pleasure in the proposition that if Crist crashes and burns, trial lawyers will have wasted millions of dollars that could have gone elsewhere.

        1. Well, if it makes you feel any better: they’re probably not eating the money directly. They’ll spend it, and maybe the people that they spend it on will deserve it, at least. Or if they don’t, the people that they spend the money on. And so on.

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