Barack Obama (who campaigned against signing statements) issues signing statement. Again.

Of course Barack Obama did.

President Obama on Friday signed into law a bill authored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that would bar an Iranian diplomat from entering the United States, but immediately issued a statement saying he won’t enforce it.

Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice.

Like he does.  :sigh: Some people simply cannot accept it that there can be other people out there who can and will tell them what to do. Yes, I’m sure that the USA would be more fun for the President if he was actually its king. But we’re not a monarchy, and President Obama isn’t a monarch. He should learn to accept that.

At the very least, he should apologize for being so rude about signing statements when he was a Senator.  Harder than it looks once you’re in charge, eh, Barry?

Moe Lane

PS: Oops! Not enough coffee yet.  Via Hot Air Headlines.

2 thoughts on “Barack Obama (who campaigned against signing statements) issues signing statement. Again.”

  1. “Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice.”
    What? Obama is given expanded powers, and yet he shrugs it off like he’s stuck on “Ignore Law” setting. Unreal.

  2. Chicago Rules + Suharto Rules == Obama Rules.
    I suspect, the way pendulums tend to work, that the office of the president will be reduced to reigning, not ruling, within my lifetime.

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