American Prospect writer documents, excuses racism at… The American Prospect.

Tell me if you can see the fundamental disconnect in this paragraph.

On the staff of The American Prospect, I’m the only member of an ethnic minority. That’s not because I bring all the variety the magazine needs, or because the editors don’t think diversity is valuable. Everyone on the masthead of this liberal publication is committed to being inclusive—not just of racial and ethnic minorities but of women; gays, lesbians, and transgender people; and the poor.

…and yet, the magazine apparently doesn’t hire ethnic minorities. But don’t blame the editors! It’s not their fault that they’re not hiring minorities.  It’s probably all due to those awful Koch brothers! – Nah, just kidding it’s all due to privilege*. And the staff doesn’t know enough minorities who qualify. And nobody’s making them do better. And the economy sucked. And… unions, apparently in the Nation’s case. And… no affirmative action?

Anyway, good thing that this article was written.  Problem identified, problem solved!

Via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

PS… What’s that?  You forced yourself to read the entire thing and there wasn’t a single darn bit in the article about how The American Prospect was planning to actually hire some people who weren’t white dudes?  Well, of course there wasn’t going to be anything like that: the editors already solved the problem to their own satisfaction by assigning an article full of self-criticism to their one minority hire**.  Jeez, you don’t think that progressive leadership cadres believe their own agitprop, do you?

*Freely translated, ‘privilege’ means ‘shut up.’

**An unkind person might even call [him***] a ‘token.’

[***I have been informed that I have given TAP too much credit by assuming that they would hire a minority female. We regret the error.]

4 thoughts on “American Prospect writer documents, excuses racism at… The American Prospect.”

  1. An unkind person might even call her a ‘token.’
    Psst! The author of that article is male.

  2. But don’t blame the editors! It’s not their fault that they’re not hiring minorities. It’s probably all due to those awful Koch brothers! – Nah, just kidding it’s all due to privilege*. And the staff doesn’t know enough minorities who qualify. And nobody’s making them do better. And the economy sucked. And … unions, apparently in the Nation’s case. And … no affirmative action?

    Fortunately, all of those excuses give absolution to left-wing journalistas. But they don’t seem to apply to organizations that actually produce useful things, and that require employees to be competent in specialized fields such as engineering, medicine, physics, chemistry, math, or other college majors that don’t have “Studies” in their names — no, THOSE organizations are all RACIST!

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