Koch Industries’ $25 million donation to UNCF condemned by people who likely won’t match that gift.

Hopefully, the title will give you my opinion on the subject.

The United Negro College Fund announced a $25 million grant Friday from Koch Industries Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation — a large donation from the conservative powerhouse Koch name that Democrats have sought to vilify heading into the 2014 midterm elections.

The UNCF, known for its iconic motto, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” supports historically black colleges and universities and provides scholarships.

From the donation, $18.5 million will go toward nearly 3,000 merit-based scholarships to African-American students, and $6.5 million will go toward general support for historically black colleges and universities and the UNCF.

The Washington Free Beacon has a sampling of the more unhinged and spittle-laden reactions from the Predictable Left; I’ll add that Koch Industries has been donating to the UNCF ever since KI acquired Georgia-Pacific, back in 2005.  But that was before Harry Reid started babbling about the scary libertarians under his bed… and myriad obedient online drones followed suit.  How any of this Leftist hysteria is supposed to get more African-Americans a decent college education is not left as an exercise for the reader, largely because it’s a trick question.  The Left does not want more African-Americans to get decent college educations.  If they did, more might join the middle class, and then stop inevitably voting Democratic.

Can’t have that, apparently.

Moe Lane

4 thoughts on “Koch Industries’ $25 million donation to UNCF condemned by people who likely won’t match that gift.”

  1. The Left lost the Civil War. They have neither forgotten nor forgiven the civilized world for that fact.

    1. The Democrats lost the ACW, that much is true.
      But the Democrats of 1861-1865 were not identifiable as “Left” in either the European or American meaning. (The Republicans of the time have a slightly better claim to the label. Abraham Lincoln bought quite a bit of the “primacy of labor” cant. But there’s still a huge distinction to be drawn between “influenced by” and “embraces”.)

      1. The antebellum Democrats attempted a bloody revolution when it looked like they might not break even politically. They also apparently used ‘Lincoln is a tool of corporate rail’. Leftists~
        The Union, and the Radical Republicans can be understood as a contra driven by Democratic Treason.
        Furthermore, considering the degree of continuity, and the similarity of methods, I would suggest that either modern Democrats are not leftists, or the historical ones were.

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