4 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I Dunno If I Would Have Dared Do This edition.”

  1. I did something similar to that in high school once; wrote “I know nothing” as my answer to one question in a philosophy class. Got to be the “ok, that worked once, but nobody else can do it” example, too.

  2. A friend of mine once submitted a paper in college titled The Meaning Of Taoism that consisted of 5 sheets of blank paper.

    To be fair, it wasn’t much of a risk– the class had a policy that you could rewrite papers where you didn’t like the initial grade, and he didn’t have time to write a paper.

  3. I once cited “Martin’s Law” on a test. It was made up by a family friend and is “Because I said so”. Got credit for it, too.

  4. Technically the answer was in and of itself taking a risk, so the student fulfilled the requirements of what the question asked.

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