Dynamic scoring takes another step forward in Congress.

Well, this is a promising first step: “House Republicans are moving to increase the use of dynamic scoring through a rules change that would require long-term estimates of the economic effects of major legislation. The macroeconomic estimates required under the rule would include the projected effects of legislation on economic output, employment and capital stock, resulting in an assessment of how a proposal would cause the economy to expand or contract.” Essentially, this rule would force the Democrats to stop using the CBO to pretend – in at least some cases – that changes to the tax code are a zero-sum game.  Once we can actually project future economic growth from tax reform and simplification, we can maybe get more of a grip on our horrendous spending problem without resorting to the ‘higher taxes’ duckspeaking so beloved of the Democratic leadership.  Which would be nice: and which is why this has been a goal of the GOP leadership for some time.  And now that we have both Houses of Congress, hey, time to do some reform.

And, if you’re wondering whether this is a good idea or not, wonder no more: “Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on the House Budget Committee, slammed the proposed rule.”  Van Hollen has gotten steadily more and more cranky* over the last decade, so it’s always instructive (also, entertaining) to see what will really set him off. He’s practically frothing over this particular idea, which is a Christmas gift right there.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*Screaming about ‘trickle down economics.’  Man, I was, like, in my teens when that wheeze from the Democrats was new.  What’s next? Calling it grody to the max?

4 thoughts on “Dynamic scoring takes another step forward in Congress.”

  1. Looks like there are some positive changes happening, and those changes will probably have massive popular support. Do we know how this rule got proposed and who is supporting it?

  2. I’m against it for one reason:
    Bureaucratic pressures will make it almost certain that disciples of Keynes fill the slot. Regulatory capture, and all that. (And for a number of prominent Republicans, I can’t help but think that’s a feature instead of a bug.)
    Do something productive instead. Kill current services baseline budgeting. With fire. And sow the ground with salt. But I’m sure the new Congress is going to get right on that… Eventually.

    1. I have to say I share Luke’s cynicism. It could be a first step in the right direction, but I think it more likely just another step at misdirection. As always, the GOP is free to prove me wrong. Not holding my breath….

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