This is front page news everywhere right???
— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) January 29, 2015
Am I seriously being told that there are people out there who don’t understand that extending unemployment benefits* results in a drop in the labor participation rate? I mean, surely we can all agree that if you want more of something, you subsidize it? – And extending unemployment benefits subsidizes people to stay on their couch instead of going out to hustle for a job. So of course we got more people not looking for work – and as soon as they had to start looking for work, lo and behold! – Lots of people found some. Go figure.
Moe Lane
*I have no objection to unemployment benefits, per se, any more than I object to any other kind of emergency assistance. But 99 weeks’ worth seemed rather excessive.
The last (only) time I got unemployment, it was limited to 13 weeks….. of which I collected two. My sympathies are… muted.
BTW,the job I have now? Yeah, I hate this shit with the burning passion of ten thousand super-novas. So cry me a river about how your job doesn’t “feed your dreams” or whatever. I’m just dying to hear about it……………