Tweet of the Day, Harken To The Mocking Laughter Of Jeff Bezos edition.

We all knew that this day would come. It was preordained. It was destiny. It was also apparently taken down within nanoseconds, but alas everybody reflexively screenshots these days.

Vox. Sentences. I am in a perverse kind of awe. All this time I’ve tried to find the killer app for monetizing online progressive stupidity, and Vox stumbles across it like nobody’s business.

7 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, Harken To The Mocking Laughter Of Jeff Bezos edition.”

  1. So … how is this a change? Vox and other lefty-bots have been crafting clever phrases, then getting the mouth-breathers to parrot ’em for … well, since before Nixon anyway. (“Tricky Dick”)

  2. Vox Sentences:
    Just follow the directions, peasants:


    Obeisance is your duty to your natural Lords.


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