Oh, Memeorandum. You try. You folks really do try. But I guess that having to treat the most fever-swamp sites on the Left as if they actually had intrinsic value will take its toll*:
If you click through, it’s actually a majority of Americans support religious freedom – assuming that you believe the poll. Personally, I would be not surprised at all to hear that a WPA poll conducted for the Family Research Council might end up showing rather more support for religious freedom than expected. But nobody asked Memeorandum to just go ahead and start unskewing the polls. Particularly when they’re not showing their work.
Moe Lane
*Yes, I know: many in the Online Left would say that about sites like mine. So what? I’m right and they’re wrong… no, wait, that is a possible thing that can happen. Somebody being right and somebody else being wrong, that is. I know that saying so is practically a taboo in this culture, but what can you do?
” Somebody being right and somebody else being wrong, that is. I know that saying so is practically a taboo in this culture, but what can you do?”
The heck it’s taboo! The Left is positively eager to label people wrong.