The machine that I bought specifically for The Witcher: Wild Hunt is working fine and the game play is nice and smooth. I still need to get a handle on crafting, and of course relearning the keyboard commands is always awkward. I figure that once I do I can crank the difficulty above Pathetically needs his hand held. So: so far, I’m enjoying the game.
Moe Lane
PS: Some people apparently hate the keyboard bindings and/or think that it’s a console game imperfectly adapted for a keyboard. I have no idea if those are legitimate gripes, or just people complaining like people do on the Internet. :shrug: I’m having fun, at least.
I got a free copy of Witcher with a Nvidia GTX 960 that I bought a month ago. The graphics are pretty sweet. But yeah, the keyboard controls are kinda weird. Especially hitting + to hop around. I am tempted to switch over to a Playstation controller.
Oops, meant to say alt + direction to hop around.
But yea I synced my PS3 controller up using MotionJoy and set the emulation to Xbox 360 controller. Witcher 3 detected it no problem and it works like a champ. Lot easier to dodge and roll around while keep camera POV centered on the target IMHO.
If you are having fun then you are doing it right.
I always just use an Xbox controller for console ports like this.