I had flip-flopped on seeing it, but enough people commented on it favorably for me to give it a shot.
My general impression? No Star Trek, but worth seeing in theaters. Shaky-cam doesn’t particularly bug me, but I don’t think that it was used all that much; and any deeper political message could be safely ignored as being probably about South Africa anyway. With those two potential deal-breakers out of the way, what was left was a decent flick about alien refugees where we didn’t have to deal with the Numinous Other. The aliens were alien, and not all that nice; humans, not very nice either; and the lead was basically a schmuck who had to be dragged from being a mere protagonist to hero status.
Matinee it if you’re on a budget, but it’s worth seeing in theaters.
If it’s not about illegal immigration I’ll be surprised and relieved.
Neil, I thought it was about illegal aliens? [/joke]
Yeah I presumed from the first time I found out about the movie, that a play on alien was the central pun there.