14 thoughts on “An administrative note.”

  1. Yeah, when certain candidates get brought up, it goes bad quick. There’s an old, regular commenter at Hotair I used to have a fair bit of respect for, but seems to have come unhinged in favor of one guy running. It’s made it so that I skip any comment thread I see his name in right away, because he’s fallen to hurling abuse at anyone even expressing the mildest disagreement with his position.

    1. *sigh* It’s a friggin’ religion with some people, right down to the Holy War. Except that in politics their gods remain mere men and there really is no concept of redemption…

  2. I guess I missed something while ignoring the interwebs while I’m down here at PAX South? You really should try to make it to one of these Moe, lots. Of tabletop stuff as well as pc, console..

        1. Hey, I didn’t say it was any good; in fact my “analysis” attempts probably consists of more of the first four letters than the last five.
          The jokes that’s a different story – there is no “probably” about them.

  3. The nice thing about Moe, who is very good guy, is that his particular style lends itself to good manners and a higher level of intellectual functioning.

    (Well, at least we try for that here.) 🙂

  4. Maybe it’s a bit paranoid of me, as my mother doesn’t have a very high level of modern internet savvy, but I find that if I keep in mind the thought that she might read what I write in some alternate universe, I pretty much keep my posting from embarrassing either of us. Old-fashioned manners really limit the regrets and apologies, too. They haven’t figured out how to record our thoughts yet, so that’s some comfort.

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