So. ‘Hail, Caesar!’ or ‘Deadpool’ tomorrow?

…WHAT? I’m being SERIOUS, here. I heard that the one isn’t actually bad, and if I don’t see it this week on the big screen then I probably won’t, ever. And I heard that the second is, well, everything that you would expect from a Deadpool movie. So I’m totally legitimately torn, here.


Should I have said ‘totes legit torn?’ That’s the proper slang these days, yes? I mean, I’m going to be 46 in a couple of months, so I probably need to get whatever lingering shreds of being with it out of my system now so that’s it’ll be less of a shock later.

17 thoughts on “So. ‘Hail, Caesar!’ or ‘Deadpool’ tomorrow?”

  1. From what I hear, if you go to Deadpool, you’ll have to go twice in order to pick up on all the lines you laughed through the first time.
    Do you like seeing George Clooney mug for the camera? I hear “Hail, Caesar!” has that, in Dapper Dan spades.

  2. Deadpool. I haven’t seen “Caesar” but the reviews indicate an unevenness to it even in the positive reviews. Deadpool, on the other hand, is about as good a movie about Deadpool as you’re likely to ever see.

  3. Flip a coin. It worked for Hillary in Iowa. As far as slang goes, I work with teenage kids, but I believe that in the next two or three years I will have to change vocations, because by then they will be speaking an entirely different language.

  4. I liked Hail Caesar. I really liked Deadpool. I would say Hail, Caesar because of the time crunch…unless you may not have another chance to see Deadpool either, in which case, sorry Coens.

  5. Both good. Deadpool: naked Morena Baccarin. Hail Caesar: George Clooney getting smacked in the face. You make the call.

  6. Deadpool. Just because I actually want to see it in the theater.
    The last time that happened was Pacific Rim.

  7. I haven’t seen either, but the one I’m interested in seeing is Hail, Caesar! so that would get my vote.

    1. Movies are expensive. My wife wouldn’t say anything if I saw two movies in a week, but it’d be a different ‘wouldn’t say anything’ if I saw only one.

  8. I haven’t seen Deadpool. Both of us are huge old movie buffs and thoroughly enjoyed ‘Hail, Caesar’. I think that’s the key. If you know and enjoy watching TCM, then You will almost certainly love ‘Hail Caesar’. It has a genuinely decent human being as a hero. There isn’t much violence, sex or bad language (Except for Scarlet Johanson). There are a lot of insider jokes. And for once a Hollywood movie actually deals with the reality of Hollywood communists. And it has Jeff Lewis from ‘the Guild’ in a minor role.

    1. …You see my problem, then. 🙂 They’re two movies that are getting good reviews for completely different reasons. 🙂

      1. Deadpool is made by people who genuinely love the Deadpool comics. They went out of their way to make the movie for the fan, non-fan be damned.

  9. Hail Caesar . The scene where the Clooney character bores Marcuse to tears alone is worth the price of admission . And as all of us who read Marcuse back the day , boy did he have it coming , being bored to tears .

  10. Deadpool. One of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. My friends who are Deadpool fans and had expectations also loved it.

    Do NOT take the kids.

    Oh, and I vow kanly on any grown man that uses “totes” unironically, and maybe even then.

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