My RedState piece on Ted Cruz and Wisconsin.

Found here. Short version: Cruz is focusing in areas where Scott Walker was and is strong, and making a strong play for blue-collar voters.  This is the smart way to do it.

5 thoughts on “My RedState piece on Ted Cruz and Wisconsin.”

  1. Wisconsin has had 5 years of clarification of positions as an electorate. To wit, there’s a database which the leftists in the state self-identified. Trump has petulantly set up the destruction of all the hard earned gains. He’s pretty much written the Dem/Soc party ads. For now, the Marquette numbers put Cruz 10 pts. I’ll be surprised/saddened if that’s low. This state has fought thru a river of —-* to get some sanity back. I have faith that the fight meant something. If not, then the Republic is more at risk than I know.

    *Classical Reference

    1. Um, I am going to insist that ‘GOPe’ not be used in comments here. I’m saying that without heat, but I *am* saying that.

      1. Got it, I followed your link from RS and am still feeling my way around over here.

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