Found here. Short version: …I don’t think that anybody should have to register for the draft, frankly. And I think that the issue of the draft is in itself sufficiently important that it shouldn’t be used as a proxy fight for whether or not we should allow women in combat.
8 thoughts on “My RedState piece on making women register for the draft.”
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I am a firm believer in making the left live by its own rules. In this case, I would go beyond making women register for the draft. That’s a no-brainer, because equality.
Not only should we start drafting women, we should stop drafting men. Historically, far more men have died in wars than women, and the left has been adamant about the importance of balancing out these kinds of historical gender inequities. So I say we draft only women until the aggregate death-in-war numbers have achieved gender parity. Because social justice!
I’ve got to disagree with you on this.
Part of being a citizen is an obligation to defend the country, and it’s useful to have nearly every adult male formally enrolled into the militia in the face of challenges to the 2nd Amendment. (And it’s a sad state of affairs that it’s been over two decades since the last time I heard of a sheriff rounding up a posse. IMO, the current “thin blue line” mentality is absolutely toxic.)
As to forcing the issue in relation to women in combat, I fully support doing so. Right now, those upending the military face absolutely no cost for doing so. Make them have skin in the game. Raise the stakes. (And hey, should a future president round up the Women’s Studies departments to go fight a war in the Middle East, the country as a whole can only benefit.)
When “IT” hits the fan, we all become 11 Bravos. Sign them up. Hooah.
Effing A.
That’s Ground Replacement Unit (Not Trained) to you, dogface.
I was 0341. No way they’d make me an 0311. Besides, I’m old. (And well out of the inactive reserve.)
Heck with them. They want equality, then they get it good and hard.
1. I’m a Combat Vet and I agree with you on the draft.
2. They want equality? THIS is equality.
3. Has anyone pointed out that Redstate used a picture of a British Soldier for your article?
Re #3: of course they did!
The problem was, I loved that picture too much to change it when I noticed that it was of a Brit.