NaNoWriMo, Day 19: 1757/27215

Had a thought, today: if I’m waiting to get to writing the next good bit, maybe my readers would be waiting to get to reading the next good bit. So why not jump ahead to the next good bit, and then throw together a couple of sentences that cover the boring parts in between?  It seemed to work.

27215. At this rate, I’ll be eventually running out of book to write. Seems… unnatural, somehow.

Snippet #2 from ‘Project SHIVA.’

I put up a different snippet on my Patreon as part of my ‘sorry for missing yesterday’s deadline;’ but it occurred to me that people here might want a look, too.  So here’s another one of the interludes (which means that it’s different than the one on the Patreon). Note: rough first draft. Not apologizing, just noting.

Snippet2 PS

Continue reading Snippet #2 from ‘Project SHIVA.’

NaNoWriMo, Day 18: 1767/25458.

This report is a little late, but have you ever had a newspaper story come in that was perfect for something you were doing?  I did.  This was absolutely something that I needed to include in the book.  So… some quick research, and some more research because I didn’t believe the original research, and here we are.

25.4K words. Finally past the halfway point.

NaNoWriMo, Day 17: Taking a Vacation Day.

More accurately, taking a I guess I needed an outline after all day.  I’ve been working on one, and I probably should have done it a few weeks ago. Turns out there’s a difference between a plot and a synopsis: go figure, huh?

Also: I needed to recharge batteries; heck, I should just load up the dishwasher and go get some sleep.

Book of the Week / IT MUST BE MINE: Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium.

Terry Pratchett’s Discworld Imaginarium comes out on the 23rd, and all hail the power of a weak pound; a signed copy is apparently significantly cheaper on this side of the pond. In fact, lemme go put it on the Wish List, because Christmas is coming up in six weeks. It looks very very pretty…

AND SO, ADIEU… pardon me.  Just my little joke.  And so, adieu to… The Princess Bride? Must have never replaced the link on the sidebar, last week. Ach, well.

NaNoWriMo, Day 13: 1737/18630.

Not a typo; yesterday’s total was a typo (I looked at the wrong number). Still, I’m only down 3000 words at this point.  I guess I’ll come up with something that bridges the gap in the narrative between what I wrote yesterday and what I wrote today.  I wasn’t sure how to get from where I was to where I wanted to go, so I wrote out where I wanted to go in the hopes that it would give an idea on how to get there.  I think that it may have worked, too. We’ll see.

NaNoWriMo, Day 11: 1667/18337.

We’re all spreadsheeted up in this stuff now, mind you.  Got a scene out of my head and onto the words that came out fairly well, I think.  Also, had to look stuff up.  I’m trying my best not to research anything on general principles, but sometimes I have to.

Eighteen thousand words. Lord have mercy. No, really, that would be great, Lord.