Thinking about NaNoWriMo…

…Got two choices: I could finish that fantasy Western I started last year, or I could do that alternate history pulp detective story I’ve been thinking about doing. Although obviously the next novel after this one is going to have to be BANSHEE BEACH. Still up in the air about what book to work on after that, though. Thoughts?

11/17/2023 NaNoWriMo, DIG TWO GRAVES: 566/21942.

My wife has taken the position that I need to ease up on my expectations for this year’s NaNoWriMo, and she’s not wrong. It’s writing. I’m doing it. I need to be okay with the pace I’ve set for myself.

Continue reading 11/17/2023 NaNoWriMo, DIG TWO GRAVES: 566/21942.