OK, the weather’s good enough for this.

Reminded by @vermontaigne:

Walk On The Wild Side, Lou Reed*

Well, you have to be in the right mental state for this song. It’s got to be about 2 AM or so; you sit by the window in a stark-lit room and listen to it while the wind rustles the leaves outside. So, it has to be a nice night out, see? November and you end up shivering. It’s a good song late at night; with it you end up halfway between thinking and brooding, and the melancholy’s just there to give a touch of flavor to the reminiscing. Just you, your thoughts, Lou Reed, and a cigarette…


Oh, hell. Continue reading OK, the weather’s good enough for this.

What? Yes, CBS put Star Trek TOS on Youtube. High quality, too.

I’ve mentioned it before.

Anyway, it’s telling about the quality of the recent Star Trek movie that there’s been a number of people wondering how this version of the crew is going to handle meeting Khan. I’d actually prefer that they don’t – watch Space Seed again, then Wrath of Khan, and tell me how you can fairly expect somebody to live up to Ricardo Montalban – but it tells you something that the fans have relaxed about the entire prospect.

Me, I want to see how they handle Mirror, Mirror.  I have high expectations for Simon Pegg’s performance in that one.

‘Grotesque’ is a bit much.

You see worse on the Internet every day.

German ‘Venus’ may be oldest yet

A remarkable ivory carving is arguably the oldest sculpture of a human figure yet found, scientists say.

The distorted object, which portrays a woman with huge breasts, big buttocks and exaggerated genitals, is thought to be at least 35,000 years old.

No, wait: they’ve changed the wording from ‘grotesque’ to ‘remarkable’ since Gateway Pundit found the story. Somebody from Oxford must have stopped by and delivered a stern talking-to to the BBC. Probably in Attic Greek*.

Moe Lane

PS: Give me a break. This was my first real primary source for English university life, so a certain attitude towards it has persisted despite further, more sensible, instruction.

Besides, it could be worse. To this day whenever I hear the name ‘Caltech’ I immediately think of this.

*No, not “the kind of Greek you speak while putting stuff in storage.” See, this is why other countries laugh at us for our linguistic skills. Here.

How do you know when you’re strapped for content?

You seriously contemplate writing a post about a kangaroo surviving getting shot in the head with an arrow. You even start thinking about what situation you can force it to become a metaphor for, which is possibly even worse.

Google it, if you absolutely must: I’m going to go find a end-of-night song and hit the sack early.

‘Don’t Stop Your Screaming.’

This is actually a little more impressive than you’d think on first viewing:

It’s also completely true, but that’s a different story.

Via @CalebHowe.

Moe Lane

PS: You know you want one.

It’s OK. Nobody has to know. I’m not going to tell; you’re obviously not going to tell; and Amazon won’t tell. It’s perfectly safe.